Wednesday, April 16, 2008

That's when I spoke a word/ to have them trace your face for me in pollen...

It is an intriguing feeling to know that I am writing into a sort of nothingness. There is no guarantee that anyone will read what I write, and yet I am still sending it out into the void, presumably hoping someone will find it. 

 "how should I presume?"
 Is it not a presumption to write about oneself and sent it out into the world, hoping it will be found and cherished- or at least appreciated? 
"Do I dare disturb the universe?"

Of course, it says something that I posted this site on my facebook page. I know people rarely bother to follow those links in the "about me" section to their destinations. And yet, perhaps someone will be curious, and end up here. Who knows.


Emily said...

Some people bother. It's more than nothingness in here. It's full to the brim in fact. But fortunately someone keeps stretching the neck of the bottle, so there's room for you too little one.

rrobins said...

whoa. how the heck did i get here? :)

also, yes. that futile feeling of sticking one's finger into the neverending sky has also come to me when i write these things.

but there comes a time when we all must climb the edge of the rabbit hairs, rather than settling comfortably deeper and deeper into the fur.